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Fibox ARCA vs.
stainless steel


If it's time to change the steel enclosures to new ones or something new with enclosure needs, you need to read this!
Traditionally it's thought that only steel enclosure can do the job in certain surroundings. And indeed, in some cases, that's true. But we want to highlight that Fibox polycarbonate can do the job very often and the benefits are big. Plastic might have a bad reputation, but Fibox enclosures are designed to last for decades and they are fully recycable as well, so a very potential option to many locations. Choose below to see, how Fibox polycarbonate compares to other materials! 
Take a look at what we compared and read more below. 

Polycarbonate vs Stainless steel enclosure comparison:

1. Price
Impact resistance
3. Corrosion
4 UV- resistance
5. Installation
6. Customizing
7. Electrical insulation
8. Weight
9. Maintenance
10. Winner!



ARCA vs. Stainless Steel

Price can play a significant role when choosing the right enclosure for your needs. In comparison Fibox polycarbonate really is the more cost-effective option.

Check the video to see the video how Fibox polycarbonate ARCA outperforms stainless steel enclosure. 

  • Fibox polycarbonate enclosures are typically two or three times cheaper than stainless steel enclosures
  • Product price is never the whole truth. Please consider the environmental and installation requirements!

    All Fibox ARCA cabinets here!



Fibox ARCA vs. Stainless Steel enclosure - Price


ARCA vs. Stainless steel

The whole point of an enclosure is to protect the valuables inside. In many cases, it's considered that nothing beats stainless steel when it comes to impact resistance. But is it really so? In the video, Henkka tries to find out the truth. Check it out!

  • Fibox Arca enclosures have an IK10 impact rating, the same as stainless steel!
  • Fibox polycarbonate material is very elastic and impacts don't dent the surface the same way as in stainless steel

    All Fibox ARCA cabinets here!

Fibox ARCA vs. Stainless steel enclosure - Impact resistance


ARCA vs. Stainless steel

There is moist and harshness in the surroundings that do the trick to any enclosure, but how about corrosion? Which one will come out as a winner when Fibox ARCA and stainless steel enclosures are put to the test?

  • Fibox polycarbonate takes a lot of bad weather and heavy conditions with hardly any damage
  • Both enclosures manage well, but stainless steel can get rusty in very corrosive environments

    All Fibox ARCA cabinets here!


Fibox ARCA vs. Stainless Steel enclosure - corrosion

4. UV-resistance

ARCA vs. Stainless steel

Many enclosures need to be in direct sunlight and we know that UV radiance is bad for all of us. Also for enclosures. Henkka puts Fibox polycarbonate and stainless steel to test. 

  • Fibox polycarbonate enclosure has been tested for 25 years of UV radiation
  • Fibox ARCA enclosure's coloring is minimal

    All Fibox ARCA cabinets here!

Fibox ARCA vs. Stainless steel enclosure - UV resistance

5. Installation

ARCA vs. Stainless steel

For example electricians install many enclosures and then it's very important that the installation is easy and as efficient as possible. 

  • For an installer Fibox polycarbonate enclosure if much easier to install than stainless steel enclosure
  • Time is money and if you can do the installation quickly you save time and energy!
  • Material plays a big role in installation 

    All Fibox ARCA cabinets here!

Fibox ARCA vs. Stainless Steel enclosure - installation

6. Customizing

ARCA vs. Stainless steel

Customizing an enclosure is also something that an installer has to do a lot. The easier it is the better the experience. 

  • Fibox polycarbonate saves time, effort, and money
  • Compared to stainless steel, Fibox polycarbonate is easy to customize with common tools, like a regular drill, when wires and cables can come from any direction

    All Fibox ARCA cabinets here!

Fibox ARCA vs. Stainless steel enclosure - customizing

7. Electrical insulation

ARCA vs. Stainless steel

Henkka is right when he tells that electricity is dangerous. Especially when you are not careful. Which one would he choose for electrical insulation?

  • Even if stainless steel enclosure is designed to insulate electricity, Fibox polycarbonate is still the safer option
  • Fibox ARCA or any other Fibox polycarbonate enclosure will not conduct electricity in any circumstances

    All Fibox ARCA cabinets here!

Fibox ARCA vs. Stainless steel enclosure - electrical insulation

8. Maintenance

Maintenance free materials

Both stainless steel and polycarbonate enclosures and cabinets are almost maintenance-free. Both are great for outdoor conditions.
Fibox polycarbonate is great alternative to stainless steel in the following cases:

  • Fibox polycarbonate is excellent for corrosive environments
  • UV radiation doesn't affect Fibox polycarbonate's strength properties

    All Fibox ARCA cabinets here!

Fibox ARCA vs. Stainless Steel enclosure - maintenance

9. Weight

ARCA vs. Stainless steel

Many things affect the costs and for example carbon footprint and one of the things is weight. The lighter enclosure makes carrying the enclosures way easier, but:

  • You save a lot of money when you ship lighter, Fibox polycarbonate enclosures around the world instead of stainless steel
  • Easier to install, easier to carry around and lower logistics cost

    All Fibox ARCA cabinets here!

Fibox ARCA vs. Stainless steel enclosure - weight


ARCA vs. Stainless steel

It's time to find out who wins Henkka's ultimate comparison challenge! 

  • Fibox ARCA polycarbonate wins in price, installation, customizing, electrical insulation, and weight.
  • It's a tie with stainless steel with impact resistance and corrosion. 
  • In many cases, it makes sense to use Fibox polycarbonate to replace the stainless steel enclosure or to choose Fibox ARCA instead. 

    All Fibox ARCA cabinets here!

Fibox ARCA vs. Stainless steel enclosure - winner!

Can you change Stainless steel to polycarbonate?

In case you would like to know if polycarbonate enclosures and cabinets would be suitable alternative for your applications.  We are happy to provide more information about polycarbonate's advantages and possibilities.